Hartington Grove Meeting

Meeting for Worship is held every Sunday from 10:30 to 11:30 and we always welcome visitors.

Children are welcome every Sunday; a Children’s Meeting for up-to-12-year-olds is organised for the second and last Sunday of each month and all children are welcome. If you have children who would like to come with you, please let us know by contacting the warden.

Our Meeting includes an 'Afterword' when an Elder will stand and invite any further thoughts and reflections that those present might like to share. Finally, Elders will shake hands and this handshake can be repeated around the room by everyone.

Notices, news and simple refreshments together follow. If you are attending for the first time you may be invited to introduce yourself and sign our Visitors Book, but neither is obligatory.

Finding out more

If you want to know more, you will always be welcome to speak to any Quaker, especially over tea or coffee after Meeting.

A variety of leaflets about all aspects of Quakerism are stocked on the shelf near the front door. Please feel free to take some with you. We also have a small library at Hartington Grove where books are available to borrow.

Every month we circulate our Hartington Grove News Sheet which lists upcoming events which may be of interest to you.

Hartington Grove has a warden who, with the Meeting, is responsible for day to day operation of the Meeting House, welcoming visitors and dealing with the letting of our rooms during the week. The warden is available by phone on Cambridge 01223 214438 or at warden@hartingtongrove.org.uk by email.

Please ask any Friend at any time if we can help further with your enquiries.

In Friendship, Hartington Grove Cambridge Quakers

You can find us at:

Quaker Meeting House, 91-93 Hartington Grove, Cambridge, CB1 7UB

Our what3words address is:


We meet:

Every Sunday at 10:30

Our phone number:

01223 214438

Children's Meeting:

Twice a month (second and last Sundays)


✓ Parking